
Fraud is big business that has no business being in yours…


Business Fraud Prevention, Funds Custody & Financial Reporting Program

Fraud is big business and your revenues, employees, and shareholders need to be protected from fraud – in all its ugly forms.  RTMS provides a fraud elimination and prevention program that focuses on eliminating the most common forms of fraud from occurring – ever.

The RTMS approach utilizes a fundamentally different (and proprietary) approach to the accounts payable business process.  The RTMS business process management system results in a different set of rules and approvals for payments to vendors and employees that cannot be obviated or otherwise “tricked” into allowing phony payments, phony vendors, etc., from compromising your company’s operations and capital.

Invoice Phishing & Embezzlement

Invoice phishing, embezzlement, fraudulent vendor deliveries, incomplete work – the list can seem endless; yet our system is designed to put an end to all of it and pay for itself in the form of savings you can realize from the very first month of operations of our program.

Financial Reporting – 100% Audit Ready All The Time

The RTMS approach includes financial reporting and a robo-audit approach that audits every transaction and transaction payment verification source in your general ledger all the way back to the inception of our services program and provides an audit-ready set of financial reports that can be readily accessed by all stakeholders in a real-time setting.

Affordable Fraud Prevention

The program is intended to be affordable and designed to support any B2B business with at least $500,000 (USD) in gross revenues (net of COGS) per annum on a net zero cost of ownership basis.  Why not have a chat with RTMS about your needs and how a program can be contrived to work with your risk issues and your resource limitations?  Make the call and the losses and risks can finally be put to bed.

commercial real estate construction fraud prevention
invoice phishing fraud
construction completion payment and progress payment fraud protection


Let’s start a new pathway forward…

Fill out the contact form bellow and schedule a consultation!