
Buy-Side & Investment Portfolio Due Diligence Underwriting Review Services…

reporting & CONSULTING services

Buy-Side & Investment Portfolio Due Diligence Underwriting Reviews

RTMS supports buy-side clients who would like a third-party opinion on a proposed investment or seek a review of an entire investment portfolio.  We provide underwriting due diligence reviews, negotiations assistance, alternative transaction structure options, compliance reviews, and expert testimony regarding securities offerings compliance and/or fraudulent material representations and warranties made (or omitted) regarding securities offerings.  RTMS provides the level of detail of the client’s choosing – summary, technical, or full underwriting due diligence analysis of the relevant material representations and warranties.  We focus on B2B transactions and commercial real estate income-producing property transactions on an ongoing basis.  Call us and have a discussion regarding your goals, your concerns, and how we can add value to your efforts.