
The business of managing your business…


Commercial Construction Funds Custody & Fraud Prevention Program

The commercial construction industry has a huge fraud problem.  Attacks by criminals seem to come in all manner of guises and times.  The contractor does what the contractor does, but the developer, lender, and investors are exposed to serious loss risk from these discrete areas where fraud is most prone to happen.

Invoice Phishing & Embezzlement

You paid for the work performed – or did you?  The invoice looked the same or it was already approved by someone else.  Days later you get an angry phone call demanding payment and now you realize you’ve been scammed.  Outside invoice phishing scams and other embezzlement schemes demand a proactive approach to kill them before they can strike your wallet.  What do you have that can do that?

Lien Releases, progress Payments & Acceptance Fraud

The construction progress payment, completion payment, and work acceptance processes create multiple opportunities for fraud (in addition to the “every day” contention that can arise from poorly written contracts that leave things open to interpretation that cannot be left unaddressed).  Is the job “x% complete” or is it something else?  Who says?  Houston, we have a problem.  Fraud prevention requires proactive risk management that begins before the first contract is agreed upon for the construction program.  Have you thought this thru?  What have you put in place to prevent liability transference risk, phony mechanic’s lien exposure, and acceptance risk exposure?

Advanced Fraud Prevention

Talk to RTMS about your needs and how a program can be contrived to work with your risk issues and your resource limitations.  It is high time you took advantage of the advanced program capabilities that are now available to prevent so much of this problem.  Talk to us.

commercial real estate construction fraud prevention
invoice phishing fraud
construction completion payment and progress payment fraud protection


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